The Namify Blog

Employee Spotlight: Vanessa Alldredge

Written by KresLynn Knouse | February 28, 2020

Vice President of Sales

Role: Taking care of all the clients’ and employees’ needs
Been with Namify for: 10.5 years

Employee Spotlight

There are always certain people that stick out in a crowd – here at Namify, one of those people is Vanessa Alldredge. Her bright personality and kindness toward everyone made us wonder how she does it. We decided to sit down with Vanessa and get her perspective on Namify, and what makes her, well… her.  


What did you do before you came to work at Namify?

“I worked at a fiber optics network company.   I was their Customer Service Manager and then after I had my daughter, I moved to their provisioning division where I programmed phone lines for them.  After about a year of working from home, I then came here!”


Have you ever had other positions at Namify?

“Yes, I actually started here as a Branding Expert then to a Pod Leader which is where I would manage a few other Branding Experts. From there I became a Sales Executive, then added training new hires to that role, was then the Vice President of Client Relations and finally transitioned to my current position – Vice President of Sales, and I’ve been in my current role for about three years now.

So I’ve worked my way from the beginning positions in our Sales department filling every one of them along the way!”


What is your favorite Namify Memory?

“I can’t choose just one. I have ten and a half years of memories here that there’s not just one that sticks out to me because I have so many of them.


What has been your favorite project here at Namify?

“I’ve been a part of a lot of really cool projects, but the one that sticks out the most for me was shortly after my son Takoda had gone into remission from cancer we had a group come to Namify that were putting on a superhero-themed fun-run fundraiser for a local boy who was battling Leukemia, which is what my son had, just a different type. I was asked to join the meeting to help consult due to my knowledge of what the family was going through and to help find fun ideas for the event. We were able to provide capes with his own personal super hero logo printed on them for all in attendance. I think that one sticks out for me the most, just because I was able to talk with them, cry with them and help fight with them and all for such a great reason to give a day of fun and something bright during such a tough experience for their family.  

It gets me all teary-eyed!”


What is the best thing about working at Namify?

“My Namify work family. That is just the absolute best thing. The second best thing to me is I get to learn something new every single day I walk in the building. Whether it’s from a client, one of our vendors, or one of our employees. I learn from my coworkers every day.


What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

“Spend time with my family. We do a lot of hiking, camping, hunting, shooting, and ATV riding. We are very outdoorsy! As long as I’m with my family, whatever we’re doing is what I like to do!”


What kind of music do you listen to?

“Oh, I listen to everything! I don’t have one genre that I just listen to, it just kind of depends on my mood. I’m that person that if you’re driving in a car with me, you’re going to go from country to rap, to hard rock to heavy metal, to opera to classical, I mean everything! Well, maybe not opera…it’s not my favorite, but I can handle it.” 


What is your favorite movie?

“This also depends on my mood. The Notebook is a good sappy one, I’ve always loved that one. Where the Red Fern Grows, that’s one from growing up that just brings me the warm fuzzies – you’ll cry like a baby at the end! Every time it gets me. And then if I’m in a comedy mood, Office Space. It’s about the work life of a few people in this office, and the quirky things that go on there day to day. There is this one character that keeps on having his favorite red stapler stolen. And the character is an eccentric guy and says, ”I believe you have my stapler.” Well I had told Chris Jensen, our CEO, about the movie, he finally had a chance to watch it on an airplane shortly after I received a gift of the same red stapler with the text ‘I believe you have my stapler’ engraved on it.” 


What is something you’ve learned in the last week (it doesn’t have to be work related)?

“That sending your child out driving by themselves after they get their license for the first time is absolutely nerve-wracking.”

“Nothing has happened yet, but it’s just the fear. Because I’m not there to say, “No, wait! Wait for that car!” It’s like every time he leaves I say, “Remember, don’t raise my car insurance!”


What is the best place that you’ve traveled to?

“I’ve traveled to some pretty cool places but, the one I have the best memories from was our trip to Disney World and Give Kids the World Village in Florida.  The wonderful organization Make-A-Wish surprised our family with the trip shortly after my sons health struggles were over and I think just because of the reason, the celebration behind the trip, and the fact that I was just with my family and the way they (Make-A-Wish) made sure that every moment we had was memorable and unforgettable. It was just a super neat experience to see the kind generosity of so many people.”  


How do you balance career and family?

“That is an interesting one. Because I don’t think it’s so much of a balance as it is a juggle for me! I make it work though and have an amazing husband that supports and helps me with the juggle”

“I’ve learned you don’t sweat the small stuff.”


What’s one piece of advice you would give others at Namify?

“Always look for the positive. I’m a firm believer that what you think about, is what you bring about. And if you think about the positives and the successes, or closing a sale, you’re going to bring it about. Because if it’s on your mind and it’s what you think about, it’s what you’ll make happen.”

“And don’t sweat the small stuff!”


We are so grateful for Vanessa and her example to us all here at Namify. To join the Namify family and be a part of something bigger, visit: